The Digital Dilemma, 60 second trailer from Dirk Fletcher on Vimeo.
November 24, 2009
Welcome to the trailer park...
The Digital Dilemma, 60 second trailer from Dirk Fletcher on Vimeo.
Finally! (Winter Games pt. 2)
November 16, 2009
November 8, 2009
The Bracketless Flash Bracket
November 5, 2009
November 4, 2009
Winter Games pt. 1
For a fleeting moment, I thought about building a 4x10 camera, even found a couple holders at a great price on Glenn Evans website ( which is an absolute playground for anyone wanting to build, shoot or have anything to do with unique and high-end large and medium format equipment.
So, I decided against such a large undertaking and opted for a project that would get me shooting quicker, my ADD was side taking over last night.
Something seems to happen to old Polaroid film that is a lot like rabbits, if you aren’t keeping a close eye on it, it multiplies…. don’t ask me how, but it does. It never did it when it was in-date, expensive and actually useful, now that I think about it. I have quite a collection of different kinds, even some Fuji stuff that had all been rendered useless by a histogram.
After diving into a drawer of prized possessions I surfaced with a classic Polaroid ‘Automatic 250’. These are available on eBay for a few dollars; you usually pay more for shipping then the camera itself if you are patient and shop wisely. After the wife and kids went to sleep I got to work with the dremel, drill press and pliers. 40 minutes later, nothing was left but a rather interesting looking 405 Polaroid back awaiting transformation into a one-off Holga-Roid style camera.
I’ve had students build HolgaRoids in this fashion, which works great, but I wanted to get a tad more image on the 3¼ by 4¼ inch Polaroid while still getting a strong vignette. A quick trip to eBay and twelve dollars later, not one, but two Ansco Ready Flash 620 cameras were in route.
Next post: Grafting the two into one and some images.
* here is the salvaged polaroid back and remnants of the camera alongside my personal Auto 250 that still gets use.